
Carbon Energy副主编专访:韩国延世大学Jong Hyeok Park教授

CarbonEnergy团队 Carbon Energy 2022-09-16


Jong Hyeok Park教授现任职于韩国延世大学化学与生物分子工程系。2004年8月在韩国KAIST获得化学工程博士学位。2004-2008年,任美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Allen J. Bard教授课题组博士后研究员。2008-2014年,任韩国成均馆大学副教授。发表260篇学术论文和80件专利,研究成果被引用超过11000次,H指数52。同时担任Optical Materials Express副主编。更多信息详见课题组主页 


Prof. Jong Hyeok Park is a full professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Yonsei University, Republic of Korea. He received his PhD in chemical engineering from KAIST, Korea, in August 2004. Then, he joined University of Texas at Austin, USA, as a postdoctoral researcher in 2004 (under Prof. Allen J. Bard). Since 2008, he had been an associate professor in Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea, until 2014. He is an author and a co-author of 260 papers and 80 patents. These publications have earned him to date over 11,000 citations with H-index 52. Prof. Park is the associate editor of Optical Materials Express. More information can be found from his homepage 





Jong Hyeok Park教授:将电化学法用于能源器件中化学行为的研究,这是我们课题组的主要工作。更加具体地讲,我们课题组当前的研究方向主要包含以下内容:光电化学/电催化;钙钛矿/有机太阳能电池;Li/Na离子电池。对于第一个研究方向,主要目的是设计制备光电化学电池用于水分解,包括高效水氧化光电极材料的开发、半导体材料对可见光的吸收能力和电荷分离、控制光电化学电池表/界面的连接、光电极的形态控制和纳米制造。针对第二个研究方向,我们主要研究钙钛矿/有机太阳能电池的制造和钙钛矿材料的修饰。最后的研究方向主要集中在二次电池工程,目的在于开发改性的纳米材料用于Li/Na离子电池,用表面改性技术加强电池隔板的安全性。

Our group applies electrochemical methods to the study of chemical behaviors in energy devices. More specifically, current research directions of our group is photoelectrochemistry/electrocatalysis,perovskite/organic solar cells, and Li/Na ion batteries. For the first research direction,we mainly focus on engineering photoelectrochemical cells for water splitting which including 1) development of highly efficient water oxidation phoelectrode materials, 2) visible light absorbability and charge separation of semiconducting materials, 3) controlling surface/interface junctions for photoelectrochemical cells and 4) morphology control and nano-scale fabrication of photoelectrodes. For the second research direction, we are mainly studying the fabrication of perovskite/organic-based solar cell and the modification of perovskite materials. For batteries field, we are focusing on secondary batteries engineering. Our target is to develop modified nanomaterials for Li/Na ion batteries, and reinforce safety of battery separators with surface modification.



Jong Hyeok Park教授:我成为一名教授已经11年了。在这期间,我的课题组发表了250多篇学术论文。然而,我觉得最成功的事是培养了30名硕士和8名博士。在他们当中,一些人已经成为大学教授,其他人也在人生和工作中找到了适合自己的方向。更重要的是,我的许多学生来自很多国家。在学习和研究的过程中,我们了解不同国家的文化,促进相互之间的理解和合作。

I have worked as a professor for 11 years. In these years, I and my group published more than 250 papers. But the proudest accomplishment is that these achievements help my 30 master course students and 8 Ph.D. course students graduated. Among these students, several students have become university professors and the other guys find the right way of their life and work. What’s more, many of my students are come from other countries not only Korea. During our process of work and study, we have learned about different cultures and promoted the understanding and cooperation with different countries. 


谈谈您对Carbon Energy的看法和期望。 

Jong Hyeok Park教授:作为材料研究和能源研究的交叉领域,碳能源研究不仅在基础研究方面,同时也在例如新能源汽车、高效能量存储设备和智能材料等新的工业应用方面发挥着重要的作用。Carbon Energy致力于发表来自不同学科的关注先进碳材料和能源利用的广泛主题的文章,诸如能量存储和转化、光催化、电催化、光电催化、异相催化等。

As an interdiscipline field between materials research and energy research, carbon energy research plays an important role not only in basic academic research but also in new industrial applications such as new energy vehicles, high performance energy storage equipments and smart materials. Carbon Energy aims to publish on a wide range of topics from different disciplines that share the focus on the advanced carbon materials and their empowered processes, such as energy storage and conversion, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, heterocatalysis, etc. 

我们希望Carbon Energy能成为材料和能源领域影响因子大于10的顶级期刊。此外,区别于简单地聚焦碳材料和能源研究,该期刊还具有自己鲜明的特点。以碳材料和能源研究为基础,期刊还关注其他相关前沿研究方向,例如碳减、碳催化、光电工程等。希望Carbon Energy能成为全世界科学家展示杰出科研成果的高端平台和广大科研工作者喜爱阅读的工具。作为Carbon Energy的副主编,我真诚的希望能和广大科研工作者相知相伴、共同成长。 

We hope that Carbon Energy will grow into a top-tier journal with high impact factor of more than 10 in materials and energy fields. Moreover, this journal should have distinctive features rather than simply center on carbon materials or energy research. It will be based on carbon materials and energy research, and further focus on the derivative research fields which attract researchers such as carbon reduction, carbon catalysis, and optoelectronics. We also hope that Carbon Energy will become a high level platform for the display of outstanding scientific research achievements all of the world and also a research tool that many researchers love to read. As the associate editor of the Carbon Energy journal, I sincerely hope that our research fellow will support us and let us grow together! 



Jong Hyeok Park教授:社会和技术的发展日新月异。在科学研究中,我们也同样面临很多机遇和挑战,我们应该勇敢地面对挑战并学会如何抓住机会。现在,人类正在面临能源枯竭和环境污染的问题。我希望有更多的年轻研究人员能意识到自己肩上的责任,相信通过共同的努力我们能解决上述问题。当然,科学研究能改变我们的生活并改变我们的世界。其中,化学与材料科学是建立在坚实的理论和实验基础上的,积极地参与到新能源和新材料的研究中,有助于我们建立一个绿色、清洁的地球家园。我希望青年学者热爱科学研究,并希望他们能在自己的领域取得重大的成绩。 

The development of society and technology is changing with each passing day. Our research field also face challenges and opportunities, we should meet the challenges bravely and learn to seize the opportunities. Now, we human beings face the problem of energy exhaustion and environmental pollution. I hope that more and more young researchers will be aware of their responsibilities on the shoulders. And we should believe that we can solve these problems through our common efforts. Of course science researches can change our life and then change the world. Among them, the chemistry and materials science which based on solid theoretical and experimental foundation, and actively participate in the research of new energy and new materials can contribute to help us build a greener, cleaner planet home. I hope that the young researchers love the scientific research and make certain contributions and achievements in the field they are engaged in. 



Jong Hyeok Park教授:作为一名教授,工作是每天最重要的事。每天都要处理例如授课、课题研究和指导学生等事务。特别是课题组新的学生,我必须尽力帮助他们尽快成长。尽管每天都非常忙碌,我还是会在生活和工作二者之间找到平衡。在业余时间,我喜欢陪伴家人。此外,我也喜欢和学生一起外出就餐、一起爬山,这样我可以和他们更好的交流并了解他们。 

For me, as a professor, work has become the most important part of life because there are too many things to solve every day, for example teaching, research and guiding my group students. Especially for the new students, I should do my best to help them grow up. Even though I am busy every day but I still try to balance my work and life. In my spare time, I like to accompany with my families. And I also like to take time out to have a meal with my students and climbing with them together, during this process, I can have a deeper understanding and communication with them. 


Carbon Energy收录碳材料和能源领域等相关热点研究的高质量学术论文,欢迎立意新颖、紧跟学术前沿、研究深入的原创工作。Carbon Energy的文章类型包括Highlight、Riview和Minireview、Research和Profile。










